First published as a monograph in 1982, the images in Uncommon Places articulate a vision of the United States unlike any preceding artistic… more »

“Architecture is the living (or dead) history of a city, it is the context in which humans interact, the architecture and interiors of the places where people have sex reflects their desires and fantasies.” INTERVIEW with Kurt Hollander
The Colombian city of Cali has grown rich by the drug business in the 1980s and 90s, and still is making billions of… more »

Robert POLIDORI in Berlin
CAMERA WORK’s current exhibition of Robert Polidori displays more than twenty large-format works from various of his renowned series – including four epochal… more »

poststructure | sign out | JOSEF SCHULZ in Düsseldorf
Josef Schulz’ series poststructure focuses on abandoned “consumption architecture” in the eastern US. The photographs can be considered documentary of the economic crisis in parts,… more »

Spotlight on … Architects + Artisans | INTERVIEW with J. Michael Welton
Time for another SPOTLIGHT ON …! In our new interview feature we are introducing “colleagues” . That is, online publications that deal with a similar objective… more »

Marc Dittrich bei: Grenzüberschreitung #02 – Transglobal Line
“Transglobal Line” is the second exhibition of the series “Grenzüberschreitung” organized by a collective of fine artists of the city of Esslingen. The… more »