Jürgen Pollak presents “Stuttgart night,” an impressive sequence of images of the night city. What usually dominates the city by day, seems to… more »
Marc Dittrich – Uli Gsell – Johanna Jakowlev | BODYBUILDINGS in Stuttgart
The exhibition BODYBUILDINGS, curated by Marko Schacher for the rooms and the garden of Stuttgart based Sympra GmbH, presents works that are addressing architecture… more »
Otto D. HANDSCHUH in Stuttgart
The artist Otto D. Handschuh (b. 1978 in Bad Schlema) ostensibly works with classic materials, such as stone, wood, and metal. He adds… more »
Secret Rooms | Daniel & Geo FUCHS in Stuttgart
Internationally renowned and globally active artists Daniel & Geo Fuchs present their series “Secret Rooms” in Stuttgart. 15 years after the fall of the… more »
Gego und Luisa Richter im Kunstmuseum Stuttgart | REVIEW
„Er lehrte mich zu sehen und zu entdecken, etwas, das man im Ingenieurswesen und der Architektur nicht lernt“, so äußert sich Gego (1912… more »
Mytyo Mein Tokio – Stadtlesebuch | REZENSION
Auf New York, Moskau und Aleppo folgt Tokio: „Mytyo“ – Mein Tokio/My Tokio 1953/2013 ist der vierte Band in der Reihe der Stadtlesebücher… more »
Marc Dittrich und Johanna Jakowlev | ZWISCHENRÄUME in Stuttgart
“Zwischenräume” (In-Betweens), a new exhibition in Stuttgart presents works by Marc Dittrich and Johanna Jakowlev whose positions have been introduced in deconarch.com interviews.… more »
Nach(t)barschaf(f)t.Gut | Kunstbezirk Stuttgart
The group exhibition in Stuttgart, presents, among others of course, works by Karl-Heinz Bogner whose works have been introduced by an deconarch.com interview.… more »
Uli Gsell, Johanna Jakowlev, Hartmut Landauer | BAUWELTEN in Stuttgart
The exhibition “Bauwelten” combines paintings, murals and sculptures that address architecture as sculpture. With the Stuttgart-based curator Marko Schacher, gallery Sonnenberg has included… more »
Johanna Jakowlev | STADTLANDFLUSS in Stuttgart
Narrative scenes, deserted landscapes, lakes and water and – concrete walls, reservoirs, bridges. Natural areas where human activities are visible. No “beautiful” idylls,… more »