ARTitecture | Architecture + Art Martin Leuze: aus der Serie "Schauseiten

Schauseiten | MARTIN LEUZE in Berlin

With the architecture photographs by Martin Leuze, the GASAG Kunstraum – extending from Berlin – spans a wide range of metropolises and mega-cities… more »

ARTitecture | Architecture + Art Michael H. Rohde: ein versuch das licht zu erfassen, 105 x 146 cm, 2013, pigmentierter EPSON Ink-Jet-Print auf Alu-Dibond

Unter anderem | Michael H. ROHDE in Berlin

Michael H. Rohde’s photograph show as exceptional as stunning views of Berlin urban interiors – from below, from a perspective that we could never… more »

ARTitecture | Architecture + Art Sabine Wild: Palast der Republik_3952, 93 x 140 cm, 2008

Architektour | SABINE WILD in Berlin

Sabine Wild’s “Architektour” invites to a visual tour of selected monuments and architectural ensemble of Berlin, with a focus on the architecture from post-war… more »

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