Deadline | Will STEACY in Vevey

Over the course of five years, Will Steacy photographed the editorial and printing premises of the Philadelphia Inquirer at the height of financial difficulties. Through this series, he portrays a true picture of the entire North American and global press industry and questions data processing in the internet age. 

(c) Will Steacy

(c) Will Steacy



Will Steacy


21 January – 28 February 2015

Quai1 | Espace pour l’image contemporaine

Vevey, Switzerland





PR Info _ DEADLINE | Over the course of five years, Will Steacy photographed the editorial and printing premises of the Philadelphia Inquirer at the height of financial difficulties: the loss of advertisers; mass redundancies; threat of bankruptcy… Through this series, he portrays a true picture of the entire North American and global press industry and questions data processing in the internet age. ‘Since 2000, the press has got rid of 30 % of its work force: it is the fastest industrial decline in the history of America. At a time when we are witnessing an unprecedented social transition, when we are moving to an economy of information technology in which innovations have made a certain number of skills obsolete and improved productivity while reducing payrolls, the question is: what was the human cost of these gains? When the press loses reporters, editors and entire columns, we lose news coverage, linked to our towns and our societies, and, ultimately, we ourselves become lost. (…) A newspaper is much more than a business, it is a common asset.’

Info + illus. courtesy Quai 1

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